Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Offensive chain email

I got a chain email the other day. I get them a lot, but I don't often forward them. (Or, I should probably say, I get a lot more than I forward.) But I read almost all of them - because they distract me from work. Usually I laugh. Sometimes I might think one is a bit over the top.

Very rarely, one will piss me off.

In 1952, President Truman established one day a year as a National Day of Prayer.

In 1988, President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as a National Day of Prayer.

In June 2007, (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA was no longer a Christian nation. This year, President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of not wanting to offend anyone.

But on September 25, 2009, from 4AM to 7PM, a National Day of Prayer was held for the Muslim religion was held on Capitol Hill, beside the White House. There were over 50,000 Muslims in DC that day.

I guess it doesn't matter if Christians are offended by this event. We don't count as anyone anymore.

The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.

I don't really identify with a religion. I believe that there is some sort of god-like something-or-other out there (Derek Jeter and chocolate are proof). I'm just not sure that any religion has nailed it. But I don't think anyone, myself included, should dictate what anyone else believes - or doesn't.  

Our government is not perfect (to say the least). But we need a government. We can debate what our government should, and should not, control all day. One thing I know for certain is I don't want my government (which is necessary for the public good) to dictate my religion (which is a private choice). I seem to remember something about religious freedom and the separation of church and state in between naps and passing notes junior year.

I pay taxes. I vote. I suffer along with everyone else when our government fails us. I don't pray, and I don't think the government should dictate who does, or when. Still, I wouldn't stand in your way if there was a National Day of Prayer in honor of your religion. I wouldn't be offended if you wanted to take time out of your day to say thanks and give praise to whomever you call god - as long as you don't ask me to do the same. Heck - let's all take the day off. You can go to church; I'll go to the mall.

What does bother me is, "especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated." Um, no? Where, exactly does it say that in the Quran? No where. There are plenty of Muslims, many of whom were probably in DC that day in 2009, who just want to be able to celebrate their religion in peace. They've never harmed anyone, nor have they wished harm on anyone. 

To say that the Muslim religion believes that Christians should be annihilated is a bunch of ignorance masked as religion and patriotism. Plenty of Christians have killed in the name of their religion. Don't believe me? Go to an American Indian Reservation and ask. Are you worried about offending them with a National Day of Prayer for Christians?

I'm not really a Christian, or a Muslim. But I am an American. You're using the foundation of my country to justify your own prejudice. That's offensive to me.


  1. So well said! As a recovering Catholic who is trying to make sense out of religion and what fits for me I don't know that I would have participated in a National Day of Prayer, but I believe that if one would like to, they should be allowed to...and that includes all religions so long as they're not hurting someone else.

  2. I couldn't agree more. I also resent that people assume because I'm a white American who was raised (without my vote) Catholic, I must also be against other religions. And somehow, if I'm not, that means I'm not patriotic. Huh?

    My support (or lack thereof) for the President, or anyone else, would never be based on religion, race, or anything other than what they're doing to serve the est interest.

    Plus, it's absolutely horrifying to me that people still think that the acts of a few represent the beliefs of many.
