Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm off track

I promised myself I'd get healthier.

Then there was a bought of depression....and a slight dip in my health.... and then I had some trouble finding (and then maintaining) motivation....and then a friend let me down big time.

Of course, life is also always there to hand you a bit of bad news when you need it most. So this week is not a good week for me to try and get back on track. I'll just be lucky if I don't completely derail.

But over the weekend, I was with some friends and a couple pictures of me were taken, and then posted on facebook. I won't remove the tags, or complain - but let me just say, I am not happy with what I saw (with regard to me; the photographers were fine, and the others in the photos were simply beautiful).

So, I know I need to get back on track. And I will get back on track.

In the meantime - you should head over to my friend Cute~Ella's new Weight Wars blog on tumblr. She's beautiful and fabulous - and posted something the other day that was a huge help in keeping me from completing derailing this week.


  1. You can do it. I can do it. WE CAN DO THIS!

    Thanks for the shout out, I think the more eyes I have on me for this, the better I'll be about it. And don't hesitate to call me out on it if you see me slipping!

  2. Welcome. The post really was helpful.

    I still don't like exercise. :)
