Friday, August 26, 2011

Allergies suck

This was going to be yesterday's post, but since my allergies also (apparently) impaired my ability to tell the difference between "draft" and "publish" - you get a bonus today. 

I have several ideas for posts. Specifically, I have a couple more ideas about my ongoing, seemingly-endless drive towards better health. I'd also like to blog about Kim K, her wedding, and that ridiculous dress her mother wore. That would no doubt lead into a post about how celebrities give up their right to privacy when they sell their most intimate moments to the highest bidder.

I also have several movies I'd like to talk about, current events and causes.

But guess what? My eye hurts. That's right. My eye. It's red, and I think swollen from allergies. Which means no matter how many drops I put in, or how much medication I take - it's still red, because it's irritated. And that means looking at the computer hurts.

So while I lay here with my eyes closed - look at this adorable picture Cute~Ella sent me.


Have you ever had one of those days? Weeks? How about months? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments.

I'm here for you.

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